Amazon Prime Movies

Yaanai Mugathaan

Poster for the movie "Yaanai Mugathaan"

Yaanai Mugathaan

Poster for the movie "Yaanai Mugathaan"
Release Date  21 April 2023 (2 h 07 min)
Directed by  Rejishh Midhila
Writer  Rejishh Midhila
Genres  Comedy, Fantasy
Country   India
Not rated yet!

Synopsis and Details

Ganesha, an autorickshaw driver is an ardent devotee of Lord Ganesha. While he is an extremely religious person, he is unscrupulous in his day-to-day life. One day he finds he can't see his favourite God anymore and starts experiencing strange things after the disappearance of an idol at his place.

  • Year of production  2023
  • Release Date  21 April 2023
  • Local Release Date 
  • Revenue 
  • Budget 
  • Language  Tamil


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Ganesha, an autorickshaw driver is an ardent devotee of Lord Ganesha. While he is an extremely religious person, he is unscrupulous in his day-to-day life. One day he finds he can't see his favourite God anymore and starts experiencing strange things after the disappearance of an idol at his place.


  • Movie Status 
  • Movie Media 
  • Movie Rating  Not rated
  • Movie Language 
  • Movie Subtitles 
  • Movie Format 
